Episode 2: The Big Fella
29 August 2022 - 38 minsNed Broy's world is utterly transformed having witnessed first hand the 1916 rising and the executions of his fellow nationalists. Now he has decided he can be the key player working towards Irish freedom. This decision leads him to his first meeting with Michael Collins, the most wanted man in the empire.

Episode 7: The Aftermath
Having returned from the treaty negotiations in London, Broy and Collins find themselves in a new Ireland, one which has turned its guns and anger on itself.
43 mins
3 October 2022 Finished

Episode 6: Into the Lair
With Ned Broy now free from prison, Michael Collins decides he is one of the few people trustworthy enough to head east as he tries to do what so many others had failed at. To free Ireland.
43 mins
26 September 2022 Finished

Episode 5: The Consequences
Having given Michael Collins the British Empire's full knowledge of the IRA, Ned Broy now sits in solitary confinement awaiting the consequences of his actions. His execution in the name of Ireland is on the horizon.
23 mins
19 September 2022 Finished

Episode 4: The Hunt
As the British Empire has begun seeking out all traitors, Broy finds himself at the centre of their hunt having given Collins the advantage in the IRA's battle against them.
26 mins
12 September 2022 Finished

Episode 3: Into the Beast
Having planned the most daring act of espionage in Irish history, Broy and Collins must now act on it and take the advantage in the battle against the British Empire.
35 mins
5 September 2022 Finished