![Bonus: A Watery Handshake Image](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3N0dWRpby1wb2RwbGF5LmltZ2l4Lm5ldFxcXC9pbWdcXFwvMmQ5MWI4MzE1ZmEyYmJmYzkzNGE3MjBhYjI4MjRkNjAuanBlZz9hdXRvPWNvbXByZXNzJmg9MTUwMCZ3PTE1MDAmcz1lNzg1Nzc1YzRmNGJjYTkxZDNhNmJkOTJhODQxZmZiMFwiLFwid2lkdGhcIjoyODAsXCJoZWlnaHRcIjoyODAsXCJkZWZhdWx0XCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5nb2xvdWRub3cuY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC9sb2dvLnN2Z1wiLFwib3B0aW9uc1wiOltdfSIsImhhc2giOiIwY2JlNWUxYjQ1Zjk5NWNkMmEwZWI3ZGY5ZGZkZDA5NTc4ZDlmOWYyIn0=/bonus-a-watery-handshake.jpeg?auto=compress&h=1500&w=1500&s=e785775c4f4bca91d3a6bd92a841ffb0)
Bonus: A Watery Handshake
22 April 2024 - 21 mins explicitAs Joe's venture into the world of hospitality looms large, there's only one question on everyone's mind - Will he accept tips?
The lads consider where they'd hide if they were the subjects of a nationwide manhunt, and Darren reveals his reluctance to leave Dublin, even at the expense of his own life.
Joe once again claims he'd last in a UFC fight by running laps of the ring, and they both make quick work of a question about the ideal ratio for hot drinks, and berate the dreaded watery handshake.
Send in your questions to StallIt@GoLoudNow.com