Non-profits need security too & Cybercrime is booming - Keith Jarvis, Kelley Misata - ESW #341
1 December 2023 - 2 hours 7 minsWhile non-profit doesn't mean "no budget" when it comes to cybersecurity, a lot of smaller to mid-sized non-profits operate on a shoestring, with little to no money for cybersecurity talent or spending. This is where Sightline Security steps in. Sightline's founder and CEO, Kelley Misata joins us today to explain how her own non-profit helps other non-profits improve their cybersecurity posture.
As with any category of trends, the success rate of cybercrime ebbs and flows. As Russia seems be a safe haven for cybercriminals, it seemed for a while that the war in Ukraine might disrupt this activity. It did, but only for a short while.
Keith Jarvis walks us through the latest types, tactics...
Cybercab, Golden Jackal, Mamba 2FA, Microsoft, iPhone thieves, esims, Aaran Leyland.. - SWN #421
30 mins
11 October Finished
Community Knowledge Sharing with CyberNest - Ben Siegel, Aaron Costello - ESW #379
1 hour 53 mins
11 October Finished
The Code of Honor: Embracing Ethics in Cybersecurity - Ed Skoudis - PSW #846
2 hours 14 mins
10 October Finished
The Future of Zed Attack Proxy - Simon Bennetts, Ori Bendet - ASW #302
1 hour 12 mins
8 October Finished
AI, American Water, Broadband, Claroty, Okta, Meta, Phishing, Robocop, Josh Marpet... - SWN #420
30 mins
8 October Finished
Run Your Security Program Like an Election Campaign - Kush Sharma - BSW #367
1 hour 5 mins
8 October Finished