ESW #319 - Amitai Ratzon, Steve Ragan, Deepika Chauhan, Thomas Kinsella, Jon Check
26 May 2023 - 2 hours 25 minsOn this edition of the ESW news, we're all over the place! Funding and acquisitions are a little sad right now, but AI and TikTok bans raise our spirits. The hosts are split on feelings about the new .zip gTLD, there's a new standard for scoring an "AI Influence Level" (AIL), and lessons learned from Joe Sullivan's case and other Uber breaches. Also, don't miss the new AI tool DragGAN, which enables near magical levels of ease when manipulating photos.
What's even real anymore? We might not be able to tell for long... The reality is no organization is insusceptible to a breach – and security teams, alongside the C-suite, should prepare now to make the response more seamless once a cris...
Cybercab, Golden Jackal, Mamba 2FA, Microsoft, iPhone thieves, esims, Aaran Leyland.. - SWN #421
30 mins
11 October Finished
Community Knowledge Sharing with CyberNest - Ben Siegel, Aaron Costello - ESW #379
1 hour 53 mins
11 October Finished
The Code of Honor: Embracing Ethics in Cybersecurity - Ed Skoudis - PSW #846
2 hours 14 mins
10 October Finished
The Future of Zed Attack Proxy - Simon Bennetts, Ori Bendet - ASW #302
1 hour 12 mins
8 October Finished
AI, American Water, Broadband, Claroty, Okta, Meta, Phishing, Robocop, Josh Marpet... - SWN #420
30 mins
8 October Finished
Run Your Security Program Like an Election Campaign - Kush Sharma - BSW #367
1 hour 5 mins
8 October Finished