***Chaos Unfolds Between 2 Finglas Women Over Cheating Fiance & His "Slutty Side Bitch"***
12 February - 41 minsToday we heard from a woman from a Finglas woman who is furious after receiving a hand-written letter through her letterbox at her home in Berryfield from another local woman who was threatening her for f**King her fella!!
Chaos unfolded on air between the pair of women and comments made by "the other woman" added serious fuel to the fire... There was shock over her attitude which led to murder on (and off) air!!
We were left speechless by the whole thing
**Shocking Revelation During Dublin Dads Xmas Sob Story Leaves Listeners Enraged!!**
57 mins
4 December Finished
"So What If Single Dads Only See Their Kids for a Couple Of Hours On Xmas Day"
44 mins
3 December Finished
Drug Addict Who Steals To Feed Habit Makes Shocking Confession Live On Air
47 mins
2 December Finished