When Having A Phone Goes Bad! Crossing A Line Or Trying To Help? S2E36
10 June - 36 minsAre your kids melting your head? Are you worried for someone else's kids? Are you allowed to check your kid's phone? Welcome to our penultimate episode of HYROK for this season. Season 3 will return in September. Our emails will always be attended honeyyouareruiningourkid@gmail.com is the address to send whatever issues you're having or solutions you have stumbled upon. We would love to hear from you.
Question 1 "That Won't Be Cute Much Longer!"
This week a worried aunt gets in touch about her nephew's out of control behaviour. She is worried about his transition from the "isn’t he cute" phase to the "can you stop being such a little bollox" phase. Can she intervene and help his parents or...
The Danger of Unsolicited Advice, Terrible Twos and That Inconsolable Child.
46 mins
21 October Finished
Does My Kid Have Friends? Why Won't My Kid Eat? Why Has My Toilet Trained Kid Regressed?
44 mins
7 October Finished
When Kids Refuse To Listen, The "Rager" & The Obsessive Child - HYROK S3E2
48 mins
23 September Finished