The Seclusion Factor: Inside Spain's golf resort training camp
12 July - 12 minsI hope you enjoy this latest update from Germany, as Spain and I depart Donaueschingen, where they have trained and relaxed and prepared for the mesmeric performances you've been watching in this tournament. These reports are also available - for free - at my new Substack, the link is coming up. If you subscribe to this site, you'll receive regular posts - podcasts and written work on all aspects of Spanish football - directly to your email inbox. It's very simple to subscribe, and once you do, everything comes straight to your email. Soon, I'l be focusing all my indepent reporting on this site. It be great if you could join me.
This is a public epis...
Atleti for the title? It's Groundhog Day all over again: the weekend in La Liga
5 mins
2 December Finished