Learn German | GermanPod101.com
Learn German with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at GermanPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

How to Learn German FREE for 3 Months with our Absolute Beginner Course
Get the course at innovativelanguage.com/free
1 min
13 April 2020 Finished

Extensive Reading in German for Beginners #16 - Under a Microscope
Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal German---- UNTERM MIKROSKOP Möchtest du ein paar richtig coole Dinge sehen? Schau durch ein Mikroskop! Ein Mikroskop lässt die Dinge viel größer aussehen als sie wirklich sind. Kannst du erraten was das ist? Es ist ein Blatt unter dem Mikroskop. Kannst du erraten was das ist? Es ist eine Feder unter dem Mikroskop. Kannst du erraten was das ist? Es ist Schnee unter dem Mikroskop. Kannst du erraten was das ist? Es ist Baumrinde unter dem Mikroskop. Kannst du erraten was das ist? Es ist ein Schmetterlingsflügel unter dem Mikroskop. Was möchtest du noch unter dem Mikroskop sehen? ----Formal English---- UNDER A MICROSCOPE Do you want to see some really cool things? Look under a microscope! A microscope makes things look much bigger than they really are. Can you guess what this is? It is a leaf under the microscope. Can you guess what this is? It is a feather under the microscope. Can you guess what this is? It is snow under the microscope. Can you guess what this is? It is tree bark under the microscope. Can you guess what this is? It is a butterfly wing under a microscope. What else do you want to see under a microscope? --------------------------- Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources!
2 mins
13 January 2020 Finished

Extensive Reading in German for Absolute Beginners #20 - I Play Music
Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal German---- ICH SPIELE MUSIK Ich spiele Klavier. Ich spiele Blockflöte. Ich spiele Gitarre. Ich spiele Schlagzeug. Ich spiele Flöte. Ich spiele Horn. ----Formal English---- I PLAY MUSIC I play piano. I play recorder. I play guitar. I play drums. I play flute. I play horn. --------------------------- Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources!
1 min
23 December 2019 Finished

Extensive Reading in German for Absolute Beginners #19 - Fur, Feathers, and More
Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal German---- FELL, FEDERN UND MEHR Einige Tiere haben ein Fell. Einige Tiere haben Federn. Einige Tiere haben Schuppen. Einige Tiere haben eine Haut. Einige Tiere haben einen Panzer. Einige Tiere haben Stacheln. ----Formal English---- FUR, FEATHERS AND MORE Some animals have fur. Some animals have feathers. Some animals have scales. Some animals have skin. Some animals have shells. Some animals have spines. --------------------------- Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources!
1 min
9 December 2019 Finished

Extensive Reading in German for Absolute Beginners #18 - Trees
Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal German---- BÄUME Dieser Baum ist groß. Dieser Baum ist klein. Dieser Baum ist breit. Dieser Baum ist dünn. Dieser Baum ist jung. Dieser Baum ist alt. ----Formal English---- TREES This tree is tall. This tree is short. This tree is wide. This tree is thin. This tree is young. This tree is old. --------------------------- Learn German with GermanPod101! Don't forget to stop by GermanPod101.com for more great German Language Learning Resources!
1 min
25 November 2019 Finished