Get Better with Chris on Addiction, Running and Changing Your Life #156
22 January - 54 mins explicitKnown online as Get Better with Chris, Chris Connolly never felt good enough growing up. This lead him to abuse drugs and alcohol until eventually he had a psychotic break and was sleeping on the streets in London, convinced a hitman was out to get him.
Chris told us how he turned his life around, and why running is so important to him. He even tried to convince Ellie to join him on a 5k.
Email: holdmydrink@goloudnow.com
Instagram: @holdmydrinkpod

EXTRA JUICE: "My Boyfriend Wants To Return To The Scene Of The Crime"
explicit15 mins
10 February Finished

EXTRA JUICE: "Should I end it with my dream man to prevent heartbreak?" #132
explicit14 mins
3 February Finished